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Archive for March, 2008

The change is from finance to production in the model of Carlota Perez. The old finance model is to extract tolls for use of owned and rigidly controlled resources. The purpose of the old company is to bill for minutes of use of a network designed to constrain user’s freedom because if it […]

Richard Koman comments in an excellent piece called Verizon fixes P2P problem - on its network at least: Verizon has been experimenting with a new technology called P4P, which localizes P2P file transfers, as many media are reporting today. Essentially, rather than randomly pulling pieces of a file from around the world, Verizon is communicating […]

For some months now – actually almost a year – this blog has become more peripheral as I tried something new. My private Architecture and Economics of IP Networks has become quite successful. Currently 207 members from 21 different nations. Some of the more active folks have said to me – do […]