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Archive for September, 2006

The American Private Equity firm Warburg Pincus in partnership with the British based equity firm Cinven has made three major Cable buys in Holland over the past 12 months to the tune of more than 5 billion Euros.
According to the August 3rd press release Joseph Schull, a Warburg Pincus Managing Director who leads the firm’s […]

If we look at telephony, we find that, among our modern technologies, it is among the most static and unchanging. While the basic components of the telephone, of course, have evolved through the miniaturization made possible by integrated circuits, telephony’s basic business plan is the transmission of voice from point A to point B. […]

Stephen Johnson on Digital Photography by Stephen Johnson
ISBN: 0-596-52370-X, Pages, 320, $39.99 US, $55.99 CA
This is a superb book. The best photography book I have ever seen. This kind of book is generally a “how to” or a “look at my great pictures collection.” Stephen Johnson covers all this and a whole lot more […]

Frank Coluccio is one of the smartest people i know having been seriously involved with the creation of a significant part of New Yorks financial district’s telecom infratsructure over the past 25 years.
A couple of days ago Frank wrote: “The New York Times article on wikis inspired my thinking about the simplification that has […]

COOK’s Edge: Here is the sixth and final installment of my interview with James Hettrick.
Hettrick: I had hoped that Microsoft could help develop the on line virtual environment we need. But so far I am doubtful. They are too silo-ed. And that’s not a dig. It’s just myexperience in dealing with them. They […]

COOK Report: I like the way you are promoting collaboration on behalf of communities in providing incentives for vendors to be accountable.
Hettrick: Well you don’t do it all at once but you do it systematically over time so that you are qualifying the results by networking people and their experience and as people mature and […]

In this fourth installment of the Connected Communities’ “vision” James explains the complexity that decision makers for a community that wants to be connected face. He does thi bydecscribinghow an online virtual decision making environment would work for them.
Hettrick: We are starting with HyperOffice to try to kick it off. [Editor: as of early […]

COOK’s Edge: This is the third installment outining the Connected Communities “vision”. Here James continues discussing the issues of social community infrastructure that generally pass by unrecognized in most other siituations.
Hettrick: This different level of expectation among the younger emerging group of workers will carry from apartments into condos and into single-family starter homes. […]

COOK”s Edge: We Continue the Interview
Part 2 in which James Hettrick explains the web or relationships that makes it easier for communities to make sound decisions.
Hettrick: Getting the Government Finance Officers Association, to buy off on on your network infrastructure plan would mean that every city finance director could pick one of the pre-approved plans. […]

Google the COOK Report and the first two entries will be the Cook Political Report and the third will be me. You want the Cook Political Report because you need to see which PACs to give your global multi billion dollar consumer products money to. So you skip the first two entries and […]

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