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Archive for February, 2009

A very critical issue in telecommunications is “open access” and what is meant by an open access network. Open access is sometimes confused with network neutrality. In my opinion it is far more important because it focus on basic ownership and operation of network infrastructure as opposed to network neutrality that takes on […]

On the Economics of IP Networks list we were pretty happy last week with the results of the stimulus bill.
On February 12 a public interest member wrote: Had I shown this to people in December, I would have been told that such proposals were so far outside the realm of the “politically feasible” that to […]

Here is the third item of my promised trilogy. Anyone who is surprised - by what may seem to the uninitiated as alarmist remarks in yesterday’s post - (as to what may happen if the carriers are able to acquire blocks of Ipv4 addresses from other assignees) should read a document written by Geoff […]

Author’s Note: This essay appears on pages 15-18 of the March 2009 COOK Report on Internet Protocol.
A Tipping Point for the Internet?
Catching the precise moment of a tectonic shift in a global system as large and important as the Internet may be viewed as an exercise in the improbable. However, I point out in […]

Editor’s note:
Thanks to Paul Budde for this essay.
Paul called it “Australian case study” I have changed the emphasis slightly because i intend to follow it tomorrow with a piece on the emerging private market for IPv4 addresses, and the following day with a piece on RFC 1744. I fully agree with Pau’ls main […]