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Archive for May, 2007

My list has been discussiiong the potential longevity of the wireline copper plant.
Tom Evslin wrote:
The way this plant is removed from the balance sheet is by creating a reverse Morris trust and using it to convey these underperforming assets to a small company before they lose more value and absorb more cash either for […]

David has been spreading his Smart Letter 100 around the net. Net Neutrality. Oh GOD that again. I didn’t read it. I am afterall I know the arguments. I had just put Jim Crowe’s (Levl 3 CEO) take on my list… Good because he says use antitrust and the […]

Thoughts on Deriving a Set of “Principles” Designed to Support a Multi-Dimensional Matrix of Connectivity
We are caught in a vortex of change that is picking up speed. Within the vortex the number of uses for the net mushrooms and the ways in which they interconnect merge into a finely spun mesh. People like David […]

A valued reader in Amsterdam commented today:
Somebody built himself something in some shed somewhere…
Source, with pictures is found at:

Slurpr - the Mother of all Wardrive Boxes
There we read:
Whenever I go to Amsterdam, every once in a while I meet up with Boris. Now our meetings are always inspiring (I guess for the both […]

A subtitle to the title above is probably needed - in which case here it is
Because just think of the disaster we’d be facing if ATT owned all that fiber!
T would have a nearly impregnable silo fortress that it would use on behalf of it share holders. Their perceived gain would likely be […]

Now we know one of the things that JP has been up since he joined BT last fall.
Last night a list member wrote: BT recently released their Web21C SDK. Here is a link to some of the services that are possible via Web21C.
JP Rangaswami responded: “We have brought various component subteams together recently and […]

An apt exchange on my list this evening.
Kevin Barron [UC Santa Baraba] wrote: Bandwidth alone can be a red herring. Yes, the case can be made for uncompressed (after all, compression has always been a kludge) HD both audio and video, along with machine to machine communication (no more human bottleneck). 1Gbps today is […]

I have never pretended not to have biases. I like to “wear” mine on my shirtsleeve. Why do I say that Level 3 is a “national treasure?” I do because it holds the most fiber of any network in North American and was built from the ground up as an end to end […]

In preparation a scheduled visit to Deajeon Korea, and Xian and Bejing China between August 19 and September 3rd (for which i must thank Professor Kilnam Chon of Kaist among others) I have discovered an wonderful slide deck on fiber network infrastructure in China. The title is Optical Fiber Communications In Mainland China […]

On my Symposium List this morning - a discussion thread building steam on whether list members should spend time keeping up to date on IMS which is generally greeted with scorn. Fred Goldstein commented on ATM and Andrew Odlyzko replied:
Thanks a lot for the history piece.
But wasn’t the basic mistake of ATM that […]

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